This past Saturday, July 6th, was my J.B and I's one year anniversary! Who knew it would go by so fast? This has been the craziest, best year of my life. God had so many blessings in store for us.
The biggest?. . . Our son! This little cutie was due 9 months and 1 day from our wedding day. Although, he showed up 12 days early. :) He is the best blessing. He is the icing on the cake of our vocation. We hope for many more blessings like him, if it be God's will.
I heard a song on the radio the other day with the lyrics, "I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul" That is such a powerful message!! Here is the video that goes along with it.
J.B and I just watched this movie this week. So far materialism has been becoming a regular theme lately. I think maybe God is trying to tell me something!! The title of the movie is so true. No matter what we are "stewards" (I also listened to a homily on this topic) of on this earth, we can not take it with us when we die. Why do we let things become so important to us? Everything is replaceable. Our relationship with God, is not. Our relationships with others are not. Lets take time this week to really appreciate the people God has put into our lives. Lets make sure to thank God for all of his blessings in our life and for all the things he has given us. God is good. ALL THE TIME!
The brownies I made from Emily's blog were amazing! Thanks Emily!! I even whipped up some easy cream cheese frosting to put on top of them! Shhh...don't judge me, it was a hectic day!! YUM YUM YUM! I may actually go get one to eat, right NOW!

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