Monday, July 29, 2013

Patron Saint Of Homemakers

I started thinking about St. Martha a few days ago. To my delight I noticed today is her feast day. I am more of a Martha than I should be. I tend to be a Martha. When we have people over I tend to focus more on taking care of everything than on the people. This may be because of my overwhelming desire to try to make things...perfect. (They never are) I would just always like for them to be. Doesn't everyone?

Isn't this a lovely rendition of her?

 I would love to be the perfect hostess with creative décor and great food. Is that more because of pride or because I want to treat everyone as Christ? I fear it is because I'm prideful. One of the things I've been praying for lately is to become more like Mary, the sister to Martha and Lazarus. To focus more on Christ within the person. I want to treat everyone as I would Christ. It's hard. It's incredibly hard.


Chapter 53 of St. Benedict's Rule is concerned with the treatment of guests, who are to be received "as Christ Himself". This Benedictine hospitality is a feature which has in all ages been characteristic of the order. The guests are to be met with due courtesy by the abbot or his deputy, and during their stay they are to be under the special protection of a monk appointed for the purpose, but they are not to associate with the rest of the community except by special permission.
 via: Catholic Encyclopedia

I want to strive to better greet guests as I would Christ walking through my door.

Here is a novena to St. Martha! I'll be beginning this tomorrow!

Here are two links to information about St. Martha. EWTN's & Catholic Online


  1. Have you read the book about how to have a Mary spirit in a Martha world?

    1. Not yet! That's on my list of books I'd like to read!
